
Snooker is a renowned British billiard sport. With a massive following and significant championship tournaments, it is enjoyed as both a player and a spectator sport. Specific equipment is required in order to play snooker.


All the equipment is essential but first must come, the table. A rectangular table, at 12 feet long and 6 feet wide, it is the largest of the billiard sports. It has six pockets, one at each of the four corners and one in the center of each longest side. The table is covered in green colored baize. All tables have a directional nap and this affects the way the balls freely move.

The Balls

There are 21 balls for snooker and these are made with resin generally all weighing the same with the maximum difference of half a gram and manufactured at a diameter size of 52.5 mm. Out of the twenty-one, fifteen are red balls, one white ball also called the cue ball and six color balls. These are pink, yellow, green, blue, brown and black. The balls are not numbered like the pool, though they hold individual values, which are used when scoring the game.

Other Equipment

Another vital piece of equipment is the cue itself, made of long fiberglass or wooden stick, used to strike the cue ball. The tip is soft and coated with a type of felt. The tip needs to be kept chalked when playing, so it is important to have chalk in hand. There are several other pieces of equipment, that can be purchased, to help players reach hard to get shots. These include, an extension, rest, hook rest, spider and swan are different forms of wooden rests that players can use to lean the cue on for tough or long reaching shots that otherwise would be impossible to make.